This weblog is dedicated to the Art of the 5L.

Art of:


It includes Artwork, Music, Photography, Stories and other things, all work by Gilbert Medam.

The intent is to create a Space where new insights (insights are always new...) and discoveries are possible.
It's a blog to keep young and fresh, subtle and alert, curious and wise.
Have a good and safe journey!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Beyond the horizons


Sea, sand, sky



Have you ever felt that education at school and in the family almost always pushes you to explore, link to the outer world? Outer world meaning that which is beyond the skin of our body. Have you ever realized how many facts and myths we have accumulated about the "world"? On internet billions of links redirect you almost immediately to other sites, other images, other words and ideas, and other links to immerse yourself in an ocean of informations. It is often exciting to surf page after page and sustain one eagerness for more.

But what about a site that, also, link not to the outer but to yourself, to the inner world. Your world under the skin, in your mind, your heart and your whole being. Looking at the screen but even more to one's reactions, feelings and thoughts. For example if you look at a painting, artwork or photography, a music or even read this text, one could feel a general liking or disliking, some kind of judgement, agreeing or not. Also one could have questions popping in mind, how this is done, why this is done, why do I feel this particular feeling about it. Is it the subject, the presentation, the way it is composed, the colors (perhaps my favorite color there). Could I do something similar to what I see, listen, read. Am I inspired, uplifted, curious about what I see? Does it touch me in some ways? If not I will move without delay to another page, blog or site. Maybe it would be better to bookmark it, just in case....

Some pages have so many links that your finger on the mouse is more busy that your eyes, or your ears. Unfortunately internet doesn't offer (yet) stimulation of the sense of smell, taste or touch. So clicking has become a new pattern of behavior in our virtual world. Here we would like to slow down, to take the time to Look, Listen, Learn. from what we experience on the screen but also inside ourselves. As an art. Here everything is done with art and love. From the design of the interface to the content. At least with a concern for quality and depth. Also beauty and peace. You might perceive it from the first opening of the blog, but you will feel it more you dive in the many posts. Your comments are welcome, and your suggestions too. It could be like a dialogue. A friendly dialogue.

From Listening and Looking we Learn. Much more than from reading books or playing games. It took millions of years, according to the scientists, for the natural world to be what it is. Millions years to reach the fascinating " design" of a shark or a tree. Our whole technology is derived from observation of these marvels. No internet and computing without the tree structure, no car, plane, ship without the most aerodynamical form of the shark or the dolphin. A great master like Leonardo da Vinci had understood this simple truth a long time ago, and that was highly inspiring his life. Perhaps as a consequence, his body of work has inspired thousands of people dedicated to design.

But don't miss the source! It is still the natural world which is king. Man has not yet reached the limits of this universe. This you can be sure. Certainly by observing the world, not man-made, around and IN US we will refine deeper our art and feelings. Now in this daily process, from moment to moment, our heart is getting warmer, generous and full of joy. We are beginning to learn the art of Loving. Loving all that makes this extra-ordinary planet and the vast universe from which we are minuscule dust. Minuscule but living dust!...

So we Learn the art of Loving, and Loving Life. And this is probably nothing else than the art of Living. To be alive, Looking Listening, Learning and feeling this immense Love for Life.

And once you enter in this way of being, you can get rid of these 5 L.
Look, they have already become part of your brain connections and perhaps your heart.
And this blog has been created for that only purpose.
Not just entertain you, but awake and nourish your being with the essence of the 5 L.

Dear visitor and friend, have a great journey in Life inspired by the 5 L

L'Homme d'Art

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